BBQ Charcoal

We supply restaurant charcoal wholesalers and restaurants through out the Hungary and parts of Europe. Our products are sourced from a number of suppliers which we have chosen for the quality of their product and these are continually monitored. This means we can offer a number of different catering grades to suit your needs. We take time to fit the correct product to suit their market needs.

All our products can be delivered as a single pallet or full load delivery.

Our restaurant charcoals are popular with Lithuanian restaurants, open grill restaurants, street food vendors, BBQ pitmasters and the serious BBQ’er.

Size: 12kg Plastic Bags
Direct Container Deliveries: 1560 bags, 24 pallets
Excellent quality restaurant grade charcoal. Screened 40mm – 150mm
Industry recognised 12kg Blue Bag preferred by chefs
Larger screened grade which will burn longer and hotter than conventional bbq charcoal

• Catering grade charcoal suitable for catering grills and home bbq
• Restaurant charcoal
• Smaller grade than restaurant grade but still very clean
• Polypropylene weather resistant bag
• Durable bag helps prevent damage